

Frame Rate

Frame rate refers to the number of frames or still images displayed per second in a video or animation. It is measured in frames per second (fps). The frame rate is essential in video and animation production, as it determines the smoothness and fluidity of motion in the final output. The higher the frame rate, the more fluid and lifelike the animation appears to the viewer.

For example, a video with a frame rate of 60 fps will seem smoother than one with a frame rate of 30 fps.

The frame rate is also a critical factor in the perceived quality of video games, as a high frame rate is essential for smooth gameplay.

The frame rate can be adjusted depending on the requirements of the project. For instance, cinematic movies typically have a frame rate of 24 fps, while television broadcasts often use a frame rate of 30 fps. Video games may run at a frame rate of 60 fps or higher to provide smooth and responsive gameplay.

Extreme Frames

The extreme frames are the specific keyframes that mark the most significant or extreme positions of an animated asset in your animation sequence in Linearity Move. They represent the “extreme” points of a motion, typically at the beginning and end of a movement or transition. These allow you to adjust your animated assets more easily.

Freeform paths

As the name suggests, freeform paths can be drawn freely without setting Anchor Points by clicking or tapping on the canvas, like when using the Pen Tool. The behavior of a freeform path can be compared to a pen or brush drawing freely on paper. Freeform paths can be drawn with variable widths. You can draw freeform paths in Linearity Curve with the Pencil or the Brush Tool. The Bézier Curves of these paths can be edited by selecting the path and activating the Node Tool.

Read more:

How to use paths in Linearity Curve

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