

Cascade (or Stagger)

A cascade animation, also known as staggered animation or sequential animation, is an animation technique achieved by animating a group of elements with a time delay between each element's animation start time.

This creates a cascading or ripple effect, where the animation appears to flow from one element to the next sequentially.

Color Wheel

The color wheel was created by Newton so that relationships between colors were easier to define and identify. He decided to display the color spectrum in a circle because he felt that indigo (the last color in the color wheel) was similar to the first color, red.

This wheel is comprised of three main color categories:

  • Primary colors: red, yellow, and blue
  • Secondary colors: orange, green, and violet
  • Tertiary colors: red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet
color wheel

Compound Path

A compound path consists of two or more paths that are connected. Compound paths are used when you must show a part of an underlying object through a hole or intersection in another shape; for example, you have created a complex shape using Boolean Operations.

For example, when you perform the Boolean Operation Subtract, you create a new compound path consisting of the upper and the underlying shape, removing the intersecting path area of the underlying shape from the newly created compound path.

All the paths included in the compound path will behave as a unit. For example, you can combine paths that will then automatically share their color properties. All components in the compound path take on the properties of the bottom-most object in the stacking order.

To create a compound path in Linearity Curve, tap/click the Combine Path button in the Inspector (on the right side of your screen).

When you select the compound path, the whole one will be selected, as you cannot view individual components of the compound path in the Layers Tab. However, you can select and move the path components if you tap/click directly on a single path (not on the fill) and edit its shape using the Node Tool.

To split a compound path into its original separate paths, you can use the button Separate Path in the Paths section of the Inspector in Linearity Curve (formerly Vectornator).

CTA (call to action)

A call to action is a short sentence to encourage the reader to buy or browse a specific product, subscribe to a newsletter, download an asset, visit a link or increase overall conversion rates.

The sentence should be short and use strong verbs. The call of action is mainly included at the end of a landing page, general text body, or marketing post.

CTA call to action

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is the cost incurred by a business to acquire a new customer. It represents the total monetary and time resources invested in attracting, converting, and retaining customers. This includes marketing campaigns, sales and customer service costs, salaries, and overhead. CAC is a crucial metric for businesses as it helps to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of their customer acquisition efforts. By knowing the CAC, companies can determine if their marketing and sales efforts generate a positive return on investment and make adjustments to improve the bottom line.

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