

Create your Linearity account

Linearity Account

Creating your Linearity account gives you access to our software tools Linearity Curve and Linearity Move.

Having a Linearity account means that all your files are stored securely on the Linearity Cloud, and synced across all your devices. You can seamlessly access up-to-date versions of your files on whichever device or software you want to work on. Open your .curve files in Linearity Move to animate them.

Signing up for a Linearity account

After you open Linearity Move for the first time, click the “Sign up” button and follow the prompts on your screen to complete the process. You can also create a Linearity account by heading to ic-external-link icon and clicking Get Started ic-external-link icon in the top right corner.

You can sign up for your Linearity account by syncing your Google account, your Apple account, or by using your email address and a unique password.

After you select one of the options and complete the process, Linearity Move will open. If you signed up on web, you’ll then be taken to the App Store where you can download Linearity Move. After creating your new account, Linearity will send you an email to verify your account. Open the email, and click the verification button to complete the process and log into your new Linearity account.

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