In the Inspector, you’ll find the controls for the tool you’re currently working with. You can also view and edit the properties of selected objects, manage import options, and more.
The Inspector
At the right of your screen, you find the Inspector, which you can always hide/show by pressing the ⌥⌘2 key. It is divided into collapsible menus, decluttering your workspace and making it easier to focus on your current work.
The Inspector is also Context-Aware, which means it displays automatically some extra sections according to the content selected. These sections will appear below the Location Menu.
Always locked at the top, you can control the position, rotation, and size of the selected object(s). The Flipping buttons at the bottom right of the Location Menu will mirror the selected object horizontally or vertically. Just click the buttons to perform these actions.
The collapsible menus are divided as follows:
- The Shape Section
- The Arrange options, such as Order, Align, Distribute, Mask, Repeat Action and Group.
- The Appearance options, such as Blend Mode, Opacity, and Blur.
- Fill
- Stroke
- Shadow
- Path
The Fill, Stroke, and Shadow Sections can be toggled on and off to activate or deactivate the corresponding features of each section.
If you're familiar with Curve on iPad you can recognize a similar structure but divided into multiple tabs.
The Shape Section
The Shape Section, located below the Location Menu lets you set the Corner Radius and the Smoothing level of your shape or path. The section is context-sensitive and displays the Smoothing controls and/ or the Corner Radius controls depending on the currently activated tool.
The Arrange Options
Below the Shape Section, can find the Arrange Options which allow you to:
A – Order: Change the Stack Order of your elements
B – Align: Align your objects using the six alignment buttons in the top row
C – Distribute: Adjust even spacing between multiple objects, by distributing them horizontally or vertically
E – Mask: Mask and/or Unmask with a single click of your mouse
D – Repeat Action: Repeat the last action with one click
F – Group: Group and/or Ungroup your objects
The Appearance section
Right below the Arrange Options, you can find the main appearance controllers that will be activated as soon as you select at least one element of your document:
A – The layer Blend Modes, which will be accessible via pull-down menu.
B – The Opacity Slider controls the Opacity value of your selected shape(s).
C – The Blur Slider controls the Blur amount of your selected shape or path.
The Path section
The Path Section is the go-to section for editing and modifying paths. It contains the following options:
A – Boolean Operations,
B- Join, Combine, and Separate Paths.
C- Edit and Finish paths
D – Add or Remove Bézier Nodes,
D – Outline a path,
E – Text on Path, Reverse, Outline, and Offset Path.
Context-aware options
The Inspector, as on iPad, is context-aware. This means that it adapts according to the currently selected object or tool. For example, when drawing with the Pen Tool, the Inspector displays the different Node Types (A), Close (B), and Finish (C) paths.
The Context-aware Options always appear below the Location Menu.
When you select a text box, the Inspector will display the text options below the Location Menu, where you can select the Font Type (A), Text Alignment (B), change the Kerning, Tracking, and Line Height (C), set the Textbox Resizing (D) behavior or Create Outlines from Text (E).
The Toolbar is where you’ll find quick shortcuts to essential tools and actions in the Mac app. Our Mac App interface contains two separate toolbars, let's see what they offer.
The Linearity Curve (formerly Vectornator) Mac App interface consists of two Toolbars:
- The left Toolbar (1), which contains the main tools to select, edit and add elements to the canvas.
- The top (Editor) Toolbar (2) lets you access your favorite editing tools.
The Toolbar
The Toolbar on the left side of the interface of Linearity Curve gives you access to several tools for selecting, editing, drawing, erasing shapes, and adding text.
Customize your Toolbar
You can customize the toolbar with different buttons to suit your needs. You can right-click on the Toolbar, select Customize Toolbar or go to View > Customize Toolbar.
A screenshot overview of the Default Toolbar:
- Boolean Operations gives you direct access to the Boolean Operations of your app.
- Group / Ungroup allows you to quickly Group or Ungroup multiple objects on your canvas.
- Mask / Unmask allows you to Mask or Unmask multiple objects on your canvas quickly.
- Outline Text allows you to convert your text elements into vector shapes.
- The library will open a popover where you can easily import SF Symbols, Photos, and more into your documents.
If you want to hide the Top Toolbar, you can do it from the Menu Bar, by going to View > Show/Hide Toolbar.