

Top Toolbar

Along the top navigation in Linearity Move, you also have access to a customizable toolbar with more complex operations.

Default options

Here is the default list of options in the Top Toolbar when you open Linearity Move:

Linearity Move's Top Toolbar

Library Toggle

This toggle allows you to hide or show the Library sidebar.

Library toggle


This drop-down menu shows the current canvas zoom level, and allows you to zoom in and zoom out. You can also zoom to fit, which aligns the edges of the canvas with the edges of the viewing display.



If you have multiple objects selected, you can use Group to combine them into a single adjustable element, while keeping the singular shapes intact. Clicking Ungroup while you have Grouped elements selected will separate the elements back into singular entities.

group and ungroup

Boolean operations

When you have more than one overlapping object selected, you can use Boolean operations to combine those shapes in interesting ways. There are five Boolean operations in Linearity Move:

boolean operations move
  • Unite will merge the two selected shapes into one shape.
  • Subtract will remove the shape on top from the one underneath. This will delete the shape on top, leaving the bottom one in its new cut shape.
  • Intersect will delete every part of both shapes that doesn’t overlap. You will be left with one new shape made from the overlapping parts of the original two shapes.
  • Divide will separate the intersecting parts of the overlapping shapes into separate objects. If you started with two shapes, you will have three shapes after dividing.
  • Exclude will delete every part of both shapes that overlap. You’ll be left with everything else. It’s the opposite of the Intersect operation. In other programs this operation is sometimes called “Difference”.


You can use the Mask feature to contain an object, artwork, or photo within an overlying shape. While you have two overlapping objects selected, click the Mask button. The object on the bottom will mask the one above it. This will form the objects into a masked group, denoted by an “M” in the bottom right corner. Click Unmask to reverse this action.

mask and unmask


While you have one or more objects selected, click Forward or Backward to move those objects up or down in the layers hierarchy. Moving objects forward will bring them to the “front”, on top of the other objects in your project. Moving objects backward will push them to the “back”, behind other objects.

forward and backward


If you have two or more objects selected, click the Morph button to create an animation morphing one of those objects into the other. The shape that is higher in the layers hierarchy will be the final state. Clicking this button creates the animation in the Timeline automatically, which can then be edited.



Click here to export your current animation. You can adjust the resolution and the frame rate.


Inspector Toggle

This toggle allows you to hide or show the Inspector sidebar.

Inspector toggle

Customizing the Toolbar

The top toolbar is customizable according to your preferences. Right-click on the top toolbar, then click customize toolbar.

customising the toolbar

From here, you can click and drag different options on or off the toolbar, or rearrange the options to different places. There are a few options here that are not in the toolbar by default.

You can also always drag the default set of options into the toolbar to return it to its original state.

Right clicking on the top toolbar also lets you choose if you want to display the options as Icons and Text (default), Icons only, or Text only.

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