Linearity Curve supports two types of grids: the classic Perpendicular Square Grid, and the triangle-based Isometric Grid.
When a grid is enabled, it will display on top of your canvas, over your elements. To activate it, go over to the Menu Bar > View > Show Grid (1).
The perpendicular grid
To set up a perpendicular square grid, choose View > Grid Settings and then select Perpendicular.
Type a number inside the Spacing box to change its settings, such as the spacing between the cells and their respective angles.
When working with grids, it might be helpful to snap your vector paths to the grid. Activate the Snap to Grid from the Menu Bar > View.
The isometric grid
To set up an isometric grid on the Linearity Curve Mac App, choose View > Grid Settings. In the pop-up window, select Isometric (2). Here, you can adjust the distance (A) between your grid lines and their angle (B).
A so-called “true isometric grid” has a 30° angle, but you can set up a different Isometric grid with a 45° angle to draw a shape with a different aesthetic.