In Linearity Curve (formerly Vectonator), you have two gradient options to fill an object.
To enter the Gradient Mode (1), tap the button at the top of the Color Picker. Here, you can either select a Linear or a Radial Gradient.
Linear and Radial Gradients
When you are in the Gradient Mode, two Gradient Style options are available. On the left, you can select the Linear Gradient (A) fill option, with the button to the right, you can select the Radial Gradient (B) fill option.
Linear gradients are the most commonly used gradients. In this case, two colors appear at opposite ends of the color spectrum and blend.
Radial gradients blend radially from the central point of an object outwards.
Tap on one of these options to choose the type of gradient you wish to apply to your selected shape.
Editing Gradients
A Color Slider represents each color in your gradient on the Gradient Bar. A Color Slider looks like a teardrop with a circle in it. Your selected Color Slider will appear slightly larger than the deselected ones.
You can tap on a Color Slider to set its color via the Color Picker or slide. Updating the color of a Color Slider will immediately update the gradient live in your selected shape.
You have two options to set the Color of your Gradient Color Slider. You can either set its color via the Color Picker by using one of the colors saved in your Palette or use the Eyedropper to sample the color directly from the canvas.
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Using the Outline feature, you can apply gradients to stroke paths that were previously converted into shapes.
Add a new color to your gradient
If you want to create a new gradient slider, tap on the Gradient Bar between the existing ones to create a new one. Hold and drag your finger (or Pencil) in the middle of the Gradient Bar to distribute the Color Sliders evenly.
Swipe the Color Sliders in their opposite direction along the Gradient Bar to flip the Color Points. If you want to reverse the direction of your gradient, drag the color sliders to their opposite side.
Removing color from a gradient
Tap and drag a Color Slider down and off the Gradient Bar to delete it.
Change the direction angle of a gradient
When you apply a gradient to your shape, a line with circular, orange-colored handles will appear on top. You can tap and then drag on the small orange dots to change your gradient’s position and angle.
When the Stroke Color or the Fill Color is disabled in the Color Widget, a diagonal red line will appear on the corresponding circle to show its deactivation.