Use cases

Quickly create ad campaigns that convert

Stop outsourcing, start saving. Create digital ads in minutes with Linearity's tools.

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Faster execution with AI-powered tools

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Save money with a 2-in-1 subscription

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Seamless design-to- animation workflow

Cut costs, multiply your impact

Our 2-in-1 subscription model is a game-changer for digital ad creation. Save big, work faster, and deliver more. Maximize your digital marketing budget with Linearity's all-in-one design software.

Get started

Dominate the digital ad space with eye-catching animations

Linearity Move makes it easy for your team to create stunning animations in-house. Stop outsourcing and launch dynamic digital marketing campaigns that hit the mark every time.

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Higher engagement, more conversions

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Professional animations done in-house

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Create dynamic digital ads for all platforms

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User-friendly, no expertise needed

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Create high-quality digital ads for every channel

Meta ads

Instagram ads

Google ads

YouTube ads

Tiktok ads

Linkedin ads

Digital ads

Twitter ads

Email ads

YouTube pre-roll

Take control of your digital ads

Transform your A/B testing with Linearity's speed-boosting design tools. Quickly swap ad elements to nail down what works best, giving your digital marketing campaigns a ruthless edge on the timeline.

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Maximize ROI, not your budget

Design digital ads with impact. Here’s how Linearity's AI-powered, collaborative tools benefit business across all industries.


lower CPC


higher CTR


higher CVR

App Store Awards Finalist

App Store Awards Finalist

G2 Reviews

G2 Reviews

App Store Reviews

App Store Reviews

Over 6 Million Designs Created

Over 6 Million Designs Created

Capterra Reviews

Capterra Reviews

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“We previously spent a lot of money on freelancers, with Linearity we’ve ramped up our designs and saved so much on cost”


Co-founder, Salesroom



Stick to the tools you love. Linearity is compatible with Figma, Illustrator, and any other vector design format.

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Available on AppStore

Enjoy a seamless, Apple-native experience on both iPad and Mac. Need to really get into the details? Grab your Apple Pencil for extra precision.

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Frequently-asked questions

Have more questions? Visit our help center.

Get started with Linearity today.
