Retro Icons Template
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Evoke the charm of the digital yesteryears with this retro icons collection. It's a throwback to the pixel-perfect era with a modern twist, featuring grayscale icons with hints of lime green that pop against the monochrome palette. The elements include nostalgic speech bubbles, file icons, and heart symbols, mingling with old-school window frames and pixelated stars. This mix is ideal for projects aiming to blend retro aesthetics with contemporary design narratives.
Imagine revamping these graphics with Linearity Curve, where you have the power to infuse them with your brand's color scheme or reshape them to fit your visual storytelling. You could turn these static images into engaging animations using Linearity Move, giving life to these icons in a way that captures the essence of the retro while speaking the fluent, dynamic language of today's web.
Deploying these assets, you'll stitch a tapestry of nostalgia that resonates with the audience's collective memory, while staying firmly rooted in the now. They're not just assets, they're conversation starters, bridging the gap between the familiar and the cutting-edge in your digital projects. With these, you'll craft experiences that are not only visually captivating but emotionally engaging, making every click a trip down memory lane.
Published on:
Ad banners, Entertainment, Tech
Simple, Geometric, Retro
How to open Linearity Templates
All Linearity templates are conveniently located on your Workspace home screen.
- Open Linearity Curve or Move.
- Select “All templates” to explore the three collections: Business, Events, and Social Media.
- Templates are displayed as thumbnails, offering a quick preview of their style and layout.
- Tap on your chosen template to see it in full. You can zoom in on this preview screen to see all the details.
- Tap the “Use Template” button to open it in the Editor.
How to edit Linearity Templates
It’s important to remember that all the elements within our templates are fully customizable, so feel free to use as much or as little of the already existing layout, colors, fonts, images, and shapes as desired.
Change up the colors, add your own message with the Text Tool, and swap out any images with your won.
You can also tap into other intuitive features, such as AI backgrounds, the Brush Tool, Pen Tool, Shape Builder, Auto Trace, and more to add even more personal touches to each template.
In Linearity Move you can also use Auto animate, GIF export, Animation presets and Design and animate mode. Let our templates be the starting point for your limitless creativity!
Don't have Linearity Curve or Move yet? Quickly download them to start using templates. Download Curve and download Move.