Inside linearity

Bring new life to your motion graphics with video!

Video content plays a crucial role in storytelling, and now, you have the ability to import video files directly into your Linearity Move projects.

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Bring new life to your motion graphics with video!

Recent Inside linearity Articles

The future of Linearity: insights from our CEO | Linearity

The future of Linearity: insights from our CEO

4 min read
We’ve rebranded. Say hello to Linearity Curve. | Linearity

We’ve rebranded. Say hello to Linearity Curve.

4 min read
What’s new: small updates that make a big difference | Linearity

What’s new: small updates that make a big difference

4 min read
The team behind the AI-powered Background Removal tool | Linearity Curve (formerly Vectornator)

The team behind the AI-powered Background Removal tool

6 min read
The year of the rabbit

The year of the rabbit

5 min read
Vectornator rewind: 2022 | Linearity

Vectornator rewind: 2022

11 min read
What’s new: Linearity Curve updates you might have missed | Linearity

What’s new: Linearity Curve updates you might have missed

4 min read

Get started
with Linearity today.

Linearity runs on iPadOS 14 & iOS 14 and later, or macOS Big Sur and later (with native M1 support).

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