Inside linearity

Bring new life to your motion graphics with video!

Video content plays a crucial role in storytelling, and now, you have the ability to import video files directly into your Linearity Move projects.

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Bring new life to your motion graphics with video!

Recent Inside linearity Articles

What’s new: Advanced Auto Trace modes, paste to replace, and more

What’s new: Advanced Auto Trace modes, paste to replace, and more

3 min read
Credit cards on various backgrounds generated by the AI Backgrounds feature in Linearity Curve

Take your product photos to the next level with AI Backgrounds

4 min read
Introducing the Linearity plugin for Figma

Introducing the Linearity plugin for Figma

3 min read
The flags of Pride | Linearity

The flags of Pride and their meaningful color palettes

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How to make a color palette in Linearity

How to make a color palette in Linearity

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What's new in Linearity Move: Software update

What’s new in Linearity Move

3 min read
The magic behind Auto Animate: An interview with the developers

The magic behind Auto Animate: An interview with the developers

4 min read

Get started
with Linearity today.

Linearity runs on iPadOS 14 & iOS 14 and later, or macOS Big Sur and later (with native M1 support).

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