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How to animate text in After Effects

By Sharné McDonald
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4 minutes
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Bring your text-based designs to life with animation.

Whether you're a graphic designer looking to wow your audience or a marketer eager to make your message stick, mastering text animation is key.

This step-by-step guide will walk you through animating text with Adobe After Effects motion graphics software. We'll also show you how to do this easily using Linearity Move's Auto Animate feature.

Ready to create fluid, attention-grabbing visuals? Let's get started with the After Effects text animation tutorial.

Step 1

Set up your After Effects Project

We'll import the Linearity logo as a .ai (Adobe Illustrator) file and add a text animation underneath.

Open Adobe After Effects on your desktop computer. In the Composition panel, select the New Composition from Footage option.

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When the modal opens, select the file you'd like to import into your new Composition.

Change the Import Kind to Composition and click OK.

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The .ai image will appear as a layer in your Timeline at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2

Add and format your text

Use the Type tool (press Ctrl or Cmd + T on your keyboard) to add your desired text to your composition in the central Composition panel.

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Clicking once creates a single line of text. If you want to paste a paragraph of text, simply click and drag with the Type tool to create a text box.

Use the Selection tool (press V on your keyboard) to move the text box around in the Composition.

You can customize the font, size, and color in the Character panel on the right to match your design.

Step 3

Apply a basic text effect

Let's add a basic typewriting effect to the tagline beneath our logo image.

Ensure your text layer is selected in the Timeline and your Current Time Indicator is set to 0 seconds.

In the Effects & Presets panel on the right, search for the Typewriter effect. Double-click on the effect option to add it to your text layer.

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This automatically applies the Typewriter effect to your text.


Want to go the extra mile? Learn how to use masking effects in your animation using After Effects.

Step 4

Export your text animation

To preview your animation, press Space Bar on your keyboard.

Once you're happy with the text animation you've achieved, you can export it as a video file by clicking on File > Export > Add to Render Queue in the main menu.

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The Render Queue panel will open at the bottom of your screen. Next to Output To, click on the "Not yet specified" highlighted text. A modal will open allowing you to rename your video and select where to save it.

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To finish exporting your video file, click on the Render button.

See our finished video below:

Lastly, save your After Effects Project by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + S on your keyboard.

How to make text animations in Linearity Move

Now, let's look at how easy it is to create text animations using an iPad and our innovative animation software, Linearity Move.

If you haven't downloaded the software yet, get started for free below:

Bring motion in-house

Animate marketing assets in seconds with Linearity Move.

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Step 1

Create a new Linearity Move Project

Open Linearity Move and tap on the + New Document card in your Homescreen Gallery.

Under the Import tab, tap on the Import from File card.

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Select the image file on your device you want to use in your animation.

You can drag and drop the image into the Scene Builder to set up your Timeline.

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Tap Import in the top right corner. Your new Move Project will open.

Step 2

Add your text

In Animate Mode, select the Text Tool from the Toolbar on the left and tap on the canvas. Type or paste your text and add your desired formatting.

A new text layer will be added to your Layers Panel on the left of the Scene Timeline.

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You can change your text to outlines by tapping on the Create Outlines from Text option in the Style tab.

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Step 3

Animate your text

We'll make our text appear from the bottom and then add the Tap preset to simulate a mouse click.

With your text layer selected, navigate to the Library and tap on the Presets tab.

Here, you'll find all the preset animation effects that make it extra easy to get your text and shape elements moving.

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First, tap on the From Bottom preset under the In section. Choose Normal and tap Apply.

This will automatically apply the effect on your Timeline.

Next, move your Playhead to the 2-second mark on the Timeline. Tap on the Tap preset under the Emphasis section to add that mouse click effect.

You can easily make adjustments to your animations by dragging your Scene Stacks.

Step 4

Export your text animation

Ready to export your animation? Skip the render queue. Just tap on your Project's name at the top right of the screen and select Export from the dropdown.

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Check and adjust your Export settings, then tap the Export button at the bottom right of the modal.

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You can select Save to Files to choose where to add your video to your device.


Pro tip: To Export your animation without a background color, toggle on Transparent Background before tapping on the Export button.

Here's our final text animation video made with Linearity Move:

Want to learn more text animation tips and techniques? Check out our text animation tutorial.

Your next steps in animation

You've learned how to create attention-grabbing visual effects using two powerful pieces of software: Adobe After Effects and Linearity Move.

But there's so much more to tap into.

After Effects is an advanced motion graphics software best suited for the film industry. The interface is complex, with multiple tiers of options and submenus.

But if you're looking for a user-friendly and efficient animation design software ideal for graphic designers and marketers, Linearity Move is your best bet.

Linearity Move offers all the sophisticated tools your team needs to get the job done: online ads, promo videos, product announcements, and social media assets. Plus, it"s seamlessly integrated with our vector design software, Linearity Curve.

If you haven't tried it yet, get started for free with Linearity Move and follow our simple text animation tutorial above. You might fall in love.

P.S. We offer special pricing packages for Pro, Org, and Education subscriptions.

Bring motion in-house

Animate marketing assets in seconds with Linearity Move.

Get Started
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Sharné McDonald

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Contributing Writer

Sharné is a contributing writer to the Linearity Blog. She has 10+ years' experience in graphic design and marketing and holds a Master's degree in Art Education.

Get started with Linearity today.
